Our goal: improving quality of life by restoring arm and hand function
Nottwil Tetrahand is a group of specialized hand surgeons and hand therapists, who focus on restoring arm and hand function in people with tetraplegia. We also have broad experience in treating patients with spastic deformities of the upper limb following spinal cord injury as well as after stroke, brain injury or cerebral palsy. Reconstructions after peripheral nerve injuries is also part of our expertise.
Our team consists of 3 surgeons, 3 physiotherapists, 2 occupational therapists and 2 secretaries with expertise in all aspects of restoring upper extremity function. Surgical reconstruction includes nerve and tendon transfers, combined with an intensive pre- and postoperative hand therapy.
Continuous evaluation of outcomes and different research programs serve to improve the benefit for our patients.
Enhancing independency by improving hand and arm function is our dedicated ambition.
Our doctors
Our therapists
Sabrina Koch-Borner
Head of Hand Surgery Management, Physiotherapist (MsC)
Silke Grether
Occupational therapist
Karen Schmuck
Nora Merz
Stefanie Losleben
Occupational therapist
Our secretariat
Heidi Oetterli
Swiss Paraplegic Centre
Guido A. Zäch-Strasse 1
CH-6207 Nottwil
E-Mail | T +41 41 939 52 00
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