Nottwil Tetrahand
Typically, we carry out 80-90 hand surgeries per year. For every new patient with tetraplegia, we offer a consultation within the first 3 months after the spinal cord injury. For patients with long-standing tetraplegia, we offer team consultations including conservative and/or interventional treatment plans. Our interdisciplinary team consists of hand surgeons, rehabilitation doctors and hand therapists.
Reconstruction of Elbow Extension – Nerve and Tendon Transfers for Hand Function – Spasticity-reducing Surgery – Furthermore we offer all elective interventions in hand surgery that may occur in the paralized patient.
Interdisciplinary examination and documentation of the hand and arm functions – Comprehensive information on conservative and/or surgical therapy options by a hand team. Assessment of pain or sensibility problems in the upper extremity and initiation of conservative and/or surgical therapy.
Planned together with the patient when no further improvement can be expected. In complete tetraplegia, this is the case after about six months. However, examination and treatment recommendation is advisable as soon as possible after injury, especially if nerve transfer surgery is an option.
Swiss Paraplegic Centre
Guido A. Zäch-Strasse 1
CH-6207 Nottwil
E-Mail | T +41 41 939 52 00
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