Spasticity Reducing Surgery
Spasticity can seriously deteriorate quality of life
Spasticity is a phenomenon that includes abnormal muscle activity with muscle stiffness, and involuntary contractions. Many individuals with incomplete cervical spinal cord injuries, but also people after brain injury or brain ischemia are affected. Spasticity can restrict activities of daily living, self-care and participation and is highly correlated with a negative impact on life satisfaction. Longstanding spasticity risks causing stiff joints and pain.
Initially, treatment of spasticity is conservative including local or systemic pharmacological interventions and physical therapy. But in selected patients, surgical interventions are recommended.
What does the surgery involve?
With tendon lengthening and muscles release, spastic deformities can be corrected. These procedures are proven safe and effective.
Swiss Paraplegic Centre
Guido A. Zäch-Strasse 1
CH-6207 Nottwil
E-Mail | T +41 41 939 52 00
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