> NOTTWIL Tetrahand Akut – for a better outcome

Reconstruction of Elbow Extension

Reach out!

Elbow extension is critical for overhead activities, weight shifting and transfers, greatly increasing wheelchair propulsion and workspace of the hand. This action is performed by triceps brachii, which is often paralyzed in patients with cervical spinal cord injuries.

To restore elbow extension, we usually recommend transfer of the posterior deltoid muscle to triceps.

For triceps reconstruction by tendon transfer, a strong, well-functioning deltoid muscle is required. The deltoid muscle moves the upper arm out to the side and backwards. Typically, the muscle needs to be trained for several weeks before operation.

What does the surgery involve?
Surgery occurs under general anesthesia. The posterior part of the deltoid is separated. A tendon graft harvested from the leg is connected with the muscle, directed to the triceps tendon and sutured to it.

What happens after surgery?
Restrictions on movement: After the operation there are various prohibited movements, e.g. to take your arm to your body or to lift it in front of your body so that the result of the operation is not endangered. Therefore, locomotion takes place in an electric wheelchair with an especially adapted arm support for 4 weeks after the operation.
To protect the reconstruction, a special splint is needed for up to 6 weeks after the operation.
Due to the restrictions and the splint care, you will be severely restricted in your independence in the first few weeks (e.g. for transfers, everyday activities, etc.).
Therapy contents: By guidance of the hand therapists, you learn to control the newly reconstructed muscle function, how to use the new arm function in everyday life and how to strengthen the muscles. In the first two weeks, the training takes place approx. 4x a day. The duration of hospital stay is 4-6 weeks.

What outcome can be expected? 
Reconstruction of elbow extension by transfer of the posterior deltoid is a safe and reliable procedure and you can expect a full overhead extension of the arm against gravity.


What’s new? Both sides in one operation!
If you have good conditions like well mobile hips and trunk, no issues with pressure sores and a strong psyche, you may be a candidate for a triceps reconstruction on both sides at the same time.
Postoperative rehabilitation is demanding, as you need to stay in bed for ten days and during this time there is a complete dependence on caregivers.
But you save time and afterwards you have two functioning triceps!

Situation 3 months post operative

Situation 3 months post operative

Hand and Tetrahand Surgery

Swiss Paraplegic Centre
Guido A. Zäch-Strasse 1
CH-6207 Nottwil
E-Mail | T +41 41 939 52 00

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